Dec 30th, 2023
Another pointhead artifact featuring primitive faces looking up to the stars
Measuring 1.75" by 1.25", this is an old pointhead artifact that was found in Yakima county. It depicts various modern faces, some looking upward to the sky. I have many artifacts that show this same phenomenon. What could they be searching for? I wonder if they could be looking towards the people who may have brought them here to this planet. Are they saying goodbye? That is my theory.
First view (above)
This artifact shows a face on the very top, looking upward to the sky. If you study this face of the man looking up, it will morph into three faces (when I say morph, I mean that an eye of one image will share the eye of another image, and depending on what you focus on, another face will appear).
I believe there are intentions behind the techniques they used to make faces morph into each other. They may have been trying to tell us something about their people. But what could it be? That is the mystery. I believe there is an answer, a vital piece of information they were hoping to pass down to whoever found the artifacts. It is up to us to decode the mystery, or it will forever remain a mystery. Another question that arises: were they themselves intelligent enough to create these abstract concepts, or did they have help from a higher power, another group of beings? Just to look at the artifact, you can tell it is ancient, a relic of a lost time.
There are are more hidden images on other parts of the artifact facing the viewer and in profile. Study the markings and you will begin to see them appear.
Second view (above)
If you turn the artifact onto its other side, you will find two more images in profile on the left side.
Third view (above
This is another view of the artifact, turned on its side. Here you see a large, more modern face in profile on the right, also looking upward. On the left of the rock is a big face, with more primitive features of a protruding mouth and sloping forehead. But there are also smaller images, including a small face in the protruding mouth area and another face higher in the brow area of the large face.
Fourth view (above)
If you flip the rock onto the other side, you see the same images. The images are starting to deteriorate due to extensive weathering from age, but you can still make them out if you study them closely. These artifacts are very old, older than what I've seen from other sources on the web and in textbooks. Why are archeologists and the scientific community at large afraid to acknowledge them? Why are they unwilling to open their minds to the possibility that there are other types of early humans outside of the ancestral lineage of Neanderthal and other hominids? Is it because they don't want the foundation to change? Are they so scared of new information that would undermine the theories of the evolution of man?
Dec 25th, 2023
Ancient mysterious pointhead artifact with hidden images
What I have found is a "pointhead" artifact, which is a hunting tool used by primitive people millions of years ago. This artifact, like many of my others, were found in a site in Yakima county. On this artifact, which measures 2 1/2" by 2 1/4" inches, are various hidden images of a modern-looking people that lived before neanderthals. How did these people come to have modern facial features if they predated early hominids? Could they have come from another world? Wherever they came from, they didn't last long on Earth, but they did leave behind tools that serve as proof of their existence.
First view
This is the first side of the artifact, featuring various images of faces. Focus your attention throughout the artifact and you will start to uncover images (8 total).
Second view
If you flip the artifact to the other side, you will now see directly in the center a large image of a face with modern facial features. Continue to study the rock to uncover even more images, including two on the very top. Identifying the images is tricky, but rewarding when you develop the skill. These artifacts have been underground for millions of years and these hidden images are beginning to disappear due to weathering.
Third View (above)
From the second position, if you flip the rock counter-clockwise, you will see a big image of a face in side profile, facing left. Just above my thumb, you will see another image, facing the viewer. Continue to study the artifact to find even more images. It will require some patience, but eventually you will uncover them all.
Fourth View (below)
If you now flip the rock around from its previous position, you will see the fourth view. Here you can identify a large face, facing right. Just down from the nose of this large face, you will see another, smaller face with remarkable minute detail.
You will find many artifacts that date back only thousands of years. These relatively newer artifacts are a fraction of the age of the ones I am presenting. Many of my artifacts are millions of years old. They are not only works of art, but practical tools. The scientific community may not want to accept these artifacts as real, but that is another topic for discussion.
Nov 24th, 2023
Artifact featuring raptor-like dinosaur
Measuring 3" by 1 1/2", this artifact was used to tan hides. It was found in Yakima county. It's a very smooth, very shiny rock.
In this view above, you can see a dinosaur that appears to be a raptor. It doesn't show as well in picture, but in person, you can see that the teeth were expertly crafted, with astonishing detail. To me, this high level of craft is proof that the artifact was in fact made by man and not a work of coincidence.
In this second view (the other side of the artifact) you will see another, unidentified prehistoric animal facing left.
In these two views above, you can see how the tool was used to pound the hide for tanning.
Nov 16th, 2023
Scraper tool with "self portraits" of ancient species of man, as well as horse-like creature.
Measuring 2 1/4" by 2 3/4", this artifact was found in Yakima county. This artifact depicts "self portraits" of the people who created it. I believe this is a very old species of man, who may or may not have come from the stars. Why do professional scientists not pay attention to this type of artifact if they are interested in uncovering the mysteries of the past?
In this view you can see two faces, one on the right side in profile, and the other directly in the center. Both share the same (right) eye and the same mouth. Also directly in the center is a third image of a face, pointing towards the viewer.
In this view you can see a primitive, equine animal in profile, facing left. It appears very horse-like, although the artifact is deteriorating with age, which makes it very difficult to see the details in camera.
This is how it was used as a scraper. It fits comfortably in the hand.
Oct 16th, 2023
Pointhead artifact featuring unidentified early Humans.
Measuring 2"x3", this artifact was found in Yakima county. I believe this artifact that I am presenting is the oldest artifact ever found in North America, and very possibly the world. This is made of common rock, and it shows excellent workmanship. Who made this artifact? Did these people exist in this region millions of years ago, perhaps even during the time of the Dinosaurs? This artifact was discovered mere days ago but I am only now presenting it. If you think you have an artifact that may be as old or even older, I invite you to bring it forward so we can place them side by side and compare. I invite anyone to examine this artifact, be it a member of the scientific community or a skeptic, so that I can show them the workmanship which I have identified.
The image on the right is the front of the artifact, and the image on the left is the backside of the artifact.
Frontside view (left image)
On the frontside view, on the lower right side of the artifact is a face of a primitive man in profile. You can't see the image as well in this photograph, as it is a little dark, but in person the face is very clear.
Backside view (right image)
On the backside, place your attention to the center of the artifact. There you will see a big image of a primitive man facing the viewer.
Sept 4th, 2023
Twin scraper tool artifacts depicting primitive species of people that existed perhaps millions of years ago.
Found in Yakima county, these nearly identical effigies measure 1 inch by 2 inch. These twin effigies are starting to erase, losing detail after many years in the ground. You have to have the knowledge to identify them with what little details remain. I believe these are authentic because they have mirror images on both sides. This feels deliberate. To make art in this minute form, using these common stones, must have had high level of intelligence.
How long ago were they made? I have no clear answer. But someone somewhere created them here in this region of the PNW.
It's possible that what we are looking at in each artifact is a species of male and female, each located on opposite ends.
Artifact 2
I have more artifacts just like these, with similar form to these. They are already posted on my website, and I will be sharing more of them. Because I have so many artifacts with similar shapes and dual-faced motifs (images on both sides), I believe these to be authentic. These are not random shapes but deliberate shapes carved with purpose.
Coming soon are two of the oldest knives in the world, found here in the pacific northwest.
August 16th, 2023
Ancient Pointhead artifact featuring mysterious alien being
Measuring 2 inches by one, this artifact depicts early humans along with a mysterious alien being.
In this view you can see on the lower left side an early human looking directly at the viewer. On the right side edge in profile is another human with a pointed cranium. There is a third image in the center that is facing the viewr. It shares an eye with the second image on the right side edge.
On the reverse side of the artifact is the face of the alien, in profile facing the left. You can see a pointed cranium. The world is very old. I believe aliens existed during the same time with the earliest human ancestors. Either they brought them here, or the early humans already existed and were visited on this planet by an alien species that co-existed peacefully. This artifact lets us know that there is more to the story than what we are taught in textbooks.
I believe this artifact comes from many millions of years ago. Unfortunately the images are starting to disappear, after having been embedded deep in the earth for so long. Nobody can say they have the oldest artifacts in North America because they can't provide proof. But I can provide proof of what I believe to be the oldest artifacts in North America, and perhaps even the entire world.
May 13th, 2023
Unidentified Flying Object (UFO)
Found in Yakima county in Washington state, this rock depicts an extraterrestrial vehicle (flying saucer). You can see what appears to be a windshield in the front. It's very heavy and very smooth, a perfect disc shape. Someone must have seen this in person and decided to depict it through sculpture. How many years ago I wonder? Who knows, but I believe flying saucers exist and have for a long time. There have been many UFO sightings dating back to early man. I myself have spoken to many people who have seen them in the 50's and 60's.
In this second picture I am showing what appear to be an alien being in what appear to be bulky space suits. If you look on the left image you will see a diamond shape design carved into the stone. I couldn't find the head of this figure. I wonder if these sculptures were also created to depict the visitors who could have arrived on the UFO? How long ago we cannot say, but it must have been many thousands of years ago.
I am a self-taught, amateur archeologist with many artifacts yet to show in my collection that include many species of beings, human and perhaps non-human, from many years ago. I have a trained eye from many years of study.
March 28th, 2023
Quartz artifact featuring indigenous faces
Measuring 2 inches by 2 inches, this rose quartz artifact was found in the field in Yakima county. This artifact shows what I believe are indigenous peoples from North America. The faces seem to have more modern facial characteristics compared to my previous posting. I believe these may be the only quartz-made artifacts in existence. I have looked through many collections and have never seen them before.
In this first image above, you will see a face looking directly at the viewer. These facial features appear to be indigenous.
In this next view above you will see a face in profile looking left. Right near my knuckle you can see the nose. An interesting development, when I added this photo I noticed what appears to be a face (I have added a circle). You can see a face of a man with modern looking features. He looks almost evil, with pointed eyebrows and a beard. What a curious appearance.
I find it curious that this artifact shows two different species of people with completely different facial characteristics c0-existing at the same time. The faces within the circles have more primitive facial features. I believe these are all different species that existed pre-neanderthal. I believe all of these images were created with sophisticated tools by what I suspect are visitors from another planet who had a higher level of intelligence and more complicated technology to make such highly detailed works. I wonder if the aliens, who ever they were, wanted humans today to find these intricate and mysterious images. They made these images of the various pre-neanderthal species that existed at the time so that we could know that this world had early humans, existing long before we ever realized.
Here is another view above, where you can see a face on the left side, in profile.
In this third view above, I have added a light behind it.
Who made this artifact? How long ago was it lost? I wonder if whoever made it either lost it accidentally or purposefully left it for us to find later, in this specific area (where I have found more quartz rocks).
March 25th, 2023
Prehistoric Arrowheads
Found in Washington state, in the central valley. Measuring 1.5 by 2 inches, these effigies are visual representations of a primitive species of human that existed many years ago. They show good workmanship, a different style of workmanship than the arrowhead/pointheads than we have seen in other finds credited to the neanderthal and later hominids. I will will be presenting more artifacts done in this style. I believe these people, whoever they were, existed here in Washington State. I'm perplexed why the scientific community continues to ignore the evidence of these pre-neanderthal humans. Perhaps they are worried about disrupting the timeline they have established for human evolution. Whatever the reason, they need to put their biases aside and study the evidence with open eyes and an open mind. I believe these are some of the oldest archeological finds in North America and in the entire world. And if anyone has doubts, or would like to present other finds they consider to be older or with more archeological relevance, I welcome them to get in contact so that we can compare finds.
Images 1a, 1b
In these twin artifacts (images 1a, 1b) you will see two similar looking early humans, both facing to the right in side profile. You can see their thick brow ridges, pointed craniums, and sloping jawline. The second view shows the other side of the effigies.
In this view we can see the same faces from a head-on view. The face on picture right shows a beard or facial hair. Why do these primitive people look so different from neanderthal? Perhaps they came from somewhere else, brought to us from another planet? Perhaps it was aliens who were responsible for eliminating the largest predators of the era so that these human-type people could survive and thrive in this new world. With such fearsome predators roaming the planet it would have been next to impossible for them to survive.
These two images here come from the same artifact (figure 1b). I have circled the images I have recently uncovered. The second images is the artifact turned clockwise 180 degrees.
As you continue to study these artifacts, you will uncover new mysteries. Who made them? Who are the images of the modern faces depicted in these works? Did the people who made these want us to discover them down the line? Why are there modern looking faces on old artifacts that are likely millions of years old? Why are the images so small, created in such micro detail? Why are these rocks in North America? Who brought them? These don't appear to be primitive people. Were there people already here, or did the aliens who I suspect created these works also bring the people here? Lastly, why don't scientists today care to figure out the mystery of these works of art? This land here contains answers to the mysteries of our evolutionary lineage.
March 2nd, 2023
Four different faces of prehistoric man.
Knife scraper, found in Yakima county, measuring 2 inches by 1 and 1/4 inch. This is a very ancient, many millions of years ago. It's so old that the workmanship is wearing away.
Whoever created these possessed a high level intelligence. They existed many millions of years ago. I want people to understand that these beings did in fact exist earlier than we think humans existed. This is why I believe they existed well before neanderthals. The scientific community may dispute my claims, but here's the evidence, and you can't ignore proof. These artifacts that I present here are not surface finds, but came from much deeper in the ground.
First image, on the lower right. The face is in profile. The eyes and brow ridge of the man forms the mouth of a prehistoric animal, located on higher on the artifact and facing to the right. On the left of the artifact, we have two more faces. On the higher part you will see a profile of a man facing left. The mouth of the image on top also forms the right eye of the lower face.
This is how it is held in the right hand. It fits comfortably. In this view you can see an image on the left area. There is a thick dark line that indicates the mouth. On the left eye of this image forms the right eye of a smaller face in the center of the artifact, looking directly at the viewer. It's a square-shaped area where you distinctly see two eyes looking at you. Also on the right side of the artifact you will see another small face.
This is another way to hold it (left handed). On the sharp edge there is also an image facing right.
Here are four spearheads that I believe to be very old. They have overall the same form, with one side is flat, and the other one has an edge. The first two are almost identical, and the second set are also nearly identical. I believe these four to be the oldest in North America, and perhaps in the world. If someone from another part of the world has any spearheads they believe to be older, I welcome you to share them so we can compare and see which are older. Also if museums claim to have anything older, I'd also like to compare. What I'm trying to uncover is what species of early human came first, and how far back do they pre-date neanderthals?
December 30th, 2022
Mysterious ancient wildlife sculpture
Measuring 3 inches by 3 inches, this is a sculpture that existed many years ago, perhaps even predating the Mesozoic period of the dinosaurs. It appears to have an alien face in profile on the right edge. This isn't a creature that is in our textbooks. Who was alive at this period to have sculpted it? The great mystery of the world is that we don't know what happened in the past, which animals existed, etc. We do have the fossil record, but it will always remain incomplete. When did this particular animal roam the planet? We may never know the answer. All we know is that at one time it walked alongside an intelligent species with the ability to create complex things.
I found this near an abandoned house from the early 1900's that I had purchased. The owners, wherever they came from, must have collected the artifact, but they didn't know what they had discovered. It was found in a collection with other rocks.
In this first image above, you can see two alien faces, stacked on top of each other. See if you can spot the eyes, nose, and mouth. Are they self images of people from another planet who may have visited earth? On the left side, just over my index finger, is the face of an animal, facing left. This animal doesn't resemble anything we have seen. It's a large animal, with seemingly human-like characteristics.
If you flip the artifact around, you will see the other side of the animal, this time facing left in profile. Could it be a male on one side, and a female on the other? Whatever this strange animal is, I wonder if it belongs on the planet, or if the creators of this sculpture had brought it with them from another planet?
December 26th, 2022
Pointhead artifact
I believe this to be one of the oldest tool artifacts in North and South America (if someone believes they have one that could be older, I invite them to share so we can compare artifacts). Measuring two inches by 1 and a half, this artifact was found in Washington state. The left edge of this artifact is flat, and the right edge is sharp. the point is diagonal. I have many other pointheads that follow this same style, with a flat side, a sharp side. I believe these artifacts to be many millions of years old.
Many of my artifacts are from this type of rock. It seemed they preferred to use this type of stone for tools.
In this second view, you will see on the top half of the rock an image of a primitive man facing left in profile. His left eye also becomes the right eye of another image, this one facing the viewer. This motif I have witnessed in other artifacts in my collection. It's a repeating motif that the creators seem to go back to often.
These rocks are so worn from age, that they are starting to disappear, but if you look hard, you can identify them.
November 26th, 2022
Collection of pointheads
Found in Washington State, these pointheads can be overlooked by people because of their crude shape (despite their impressive workmanship). If you don't know what exactly to look for, these can be easy to miss. Only a trained eye will be able to identify them. I believe them to be 100% authentic. These are ancient artifacts used by early humans who existed countless years ago. The mystery in who created them remains unsolved.
Evidence of human species pre-Neanderthal
What you are looking at is a very old point head tool with hidden images. Found in Yakima county Washington, it measures 2 inches by 1.5 inches. I believe the species depicted on this artifact are pre-neanderthal. This, I believe, is a species of people that existed many many millions of years ago, before anything scientists have on record. Whoever created this artifact, whether it be the species depicted, or something from another planet, were are highly intelligent beings who wanted others to know of the existence of these early humans. Perhaps they even lived along with dinosaurs in the Mezosoic era. This artifact is made from crude stone, not minerals. I believe we may be looking at evidence of one of the oldest species of early humans that ever roamed Earth. You’re looking at authentic images of the people that existed, not artist renditions of what scientists guess they looked like. This is real evidence of how they appeared.
First image of what appear to be two faces, one in profile on the left side, and the other facing the viewer
This is the other side of the artifact.
March 19th, 2022
Notched scraper combination tool depicting mysterious primitive animals
Measuring 1 and 1/4 inches by 1 and 1/4 inches, this artifact is a very old stone tool knife-notched scraper, dating back possibly millions of years. It displays the micro images we have found in other artifacts in this area. All of these artifacts were found in Yakima County. This is a very small artifact. Could it have been made by a smaller hominid species, or could these have been used primarily by children who were involved in work.
In this view you can see a bird-like creature with a primitive human face (on the farthest right portion of the artifact). The face is looking at the viewer and also in profile looking to the right.
On the left side of the artifact is a profile view of a mysterious ancient creature, possibly a bear facing left. You can see it's long snout.
If you turn the artifact counter clockwise, you will see the shape of a bird with a human face, now facing left.
In this view you will see the sharp edge used for cutting, and just below it an indentation used as a notched scraper, likely for working hide into cording. The sharp edge shows good workmanship.
This is how you would use the notched scraper in the left hand, for cutting and making cord.
Jan 15th, 2022
Ancient knife depicting various early human species.
Found in the Yakima County, this artifact is one of the oldest small knives discovered in this region. It is made of common rock and measures 2x1 1/4". If you pay attention and observe with great detail, you will see images of different species of people. They could be aliens that are depicted on this rock. I believe these people are pre-Neanderthals and existed prior to known civilizations.
1. There is an image facing left and to the viewer. There is also a larger image facing to the right. You can see them if you look closely and carefully.
2. If you rotate the rock, you will see a big image facing to the right. You can also see a big image in the middle of the rock and facing the viewer.
4 (side by side). This is how it would have been used to cut using the left hand. You can see the workmanship on the edge of the rock. If you flip it, this is how it would be used with the right hand.
I believe these were the pointheads used by the people referred to in my posts. The first three photographs are pointhead artifacts. They are the oldest artifacts in North and South America (and perhaps in the world). The reason I believe that is because they are more crude shaped than the Clovis point heads (which were created only 13,000 ago). The Clovis Points are made in a consistent, uniform style, whereas my discoveries are older, before these makers had learned how to form their designs. They all show workmanship from how they were formed.
In the fourth photograph, you are viewing a combination of scraper and burin tool (used to engrave or make hole).
Pointhead Featuring Early Humans pre-dating Neanderthals
Found in Yakima County, this artifact measures 2"x1.5" and is made of common rock. I believe this is one of the oldest pointheads in the world. I believe this artifact to be pre-Neanderthal. If you want to know who the first people in the world were, this artifact needs to be studied. Otherwise, the story of our earliest ancestors will remain incomplete.
On the second (right) image above you will see that this pointhead has mysterious images, two faces sharing the same eye. Who could have made these images? Could they have been made by a higher power? Visitors from another planet, perhaps?
Dec 3rd, 2021
'Sasquatch' tool
This is an old tool, found in a field in Yakima county. This tool was meant for practical use, but it also contains art, a depiction of a walking sasquatch as presented in the iconic footage released over 50 years ago. This appears to be a real find, as you can see the carving process; they carved a line within the limbs of bigfoot and worked outward to create form.
1a- There is an image of Bigfoot walking to the right. This image depicts the same walk and gait as the well known Patterson-Gimlin footage of Sasquatch. On the top most image of the Sasquatch there is a small bird, and you will see on the 4th picture, the same bird between my fingers.
1b-There is an image of a native american woman looking at bigfoot. Beside her, there is a man also looking at bigfoot. In the face area of the woman is an image looking at the viewer, and one looking back.
2a, 2b-This artifact is a mano and is used to soften animal hide. The photo depicts how it would have been held.
November 22nd, 2021
More images from previous posted artifact depicting Ape-like human.
These rocks are not surface finds, but are located deeper in the ground. The images are somewhat worn from being buried for thousands, perhaps millions of years. I believe this rock to be one of the oldest found. This artifact will stand upright on its own when placed on a flat surface.
1. Big image facing right of a male ape-man. This is likely the mate of the ape-woman depicted in my previous post. On the top of the rock is a mysterious primitive animal laying down and facing the viewer. Under the head of the primitive animal is a small image of a modern man. Another small image of a modern man can be seen facing up.
2. Flip the artifact over and you can see the image of a male ape-man facing left. A small image on the top of the rock facing upwards can also be seen.
Sept 28th, 2021
Ape-like human carved into pointhead artifact.
This pointhead is another one of the world's oldest artifacts found in Yakima country, WA. Images of different species of people that coexisted millions of years ago. Measures 2"x2".
Views 1: there is an ape-like human facing to the right. On top of the ape-like man, there is small image of a modern man looking upwards and to the right.
View 2a: Same image of the first ape-like image but now facing left. This photograph is the other side of the first photograph, but now the ape-like image is facing left (in the first view, the ape-like man is facing right. On this second view, the modern-faced man is looking up and to the left. On the bottom of the rock is a mysterious image facing the viewer. These are the same images on both sides of the rock.
View 2b: In this picture there is an image of a man facing to the right.
On the next post, I will rotate the artifact 45 degrees and show the mate of the ape-like man. You can barely see the images because of the age of the stone.
Ancient point-head tool featuring mysterious primitive men (other side of previous artifact entry)
Views 1: There is an image facing up, and also a big image facing left, and also an image facing right but also facing the viewer simultaneously.
View 2 There is a big image on the right side, looking directly at the viewer. Also you can see another image on top, also facing the viewer.
This pointhead is many millions of years old. It is older than any I have seen in the Pacific Northwest and in the world. This is the other side of the previous rock. I have never seen anything like this anywhere in any collection around the world. And if somebody has one they believe to be older, don't be afraid to get in contact so we can compare them.
Pointhead featuring mysterious ancient human species
This is a small pointhead found in Yakima County, Wa and measures 1 1/2" x 1 1/2". Simply made from common rock but well crafted to do the task. It is able to stand on its own on a flat surface and also contains very complicated artwork, likely self-depictions. Either these people were very intelligent or they received help from extraterrestrials. I believe this artifact to be one of the oldest in the world. A post of the other side of this artifact will be coming soon. These species of humans existed before anything the scientific community has acknowledged , likely 500,000 million years ago, perhaps billions of years ago. I believe this is clear evidence, but the scientific community professionals don't believe in this type of art and don't study it. But I am dedicating my time to studying the evidence they are refusing to see.
Pic 1- The first image is on the top part of the artifact facing upwards and to the right. There is a second image facing the viewer. The nose of the first image forms the right eye of the second image. There is a third image towards the bottom of the artifact. The mouth of the second image forms the eye of the third image.
Pic 2- The first image is on top of the rock facing left. The second image is a larger and more mysterious image facing left also. The right eye of the second image forms the right eye of a third image that faces left. The mouth of the third image forms the right eye of a fourth image that faces left. Above and to the right of my finger in the picture, two additional images are visible. You can also see a mysterious human-bird hybrid perched on top of the head of the image facing left. A little to the left of my thumb is another image of an early human facing the viewer.
August 12th, 2021
Primitive knife featuring image of an alien
Measuring 4 inches by 2 and 3/4 inch, I believe this is one of the oldest knives in the world used by primitive people that lived here in the Pacific Northwest millions of years ago.
pic 1, 2-This is a primitive knife I believe to be millions of years old. It was used by primitive people that lived here in the Pacific Northwest.
pic 3,4,5- This is how it was held to cut or scrape. The knife was designed to fit perfectly in the hand so that it would not shift as it was used to cut meat or hide. The shape makes it so that it stays perfectly in place.
pic 6- This rock also contains an image of an alien being facing to the left.
August 2nd, 2021
Ancient pointheads made from common stone
I believe this pointhead is the oldest in the world. It is made of commonly found rock, simply made but effective in doing the task it was meant to do. The first rock measures 3"x2". The second rock measures 2 3/4"x2". Found in Yakima County.
1a-this is a pointhead made of commonly found rock. The tip is broken off.
1b-this is the other side of the artifact. You will also see on the lower right of the artifact a small face facing right.
This is a second pointhead. This is also made of common rock. It shows an image of a primitive man facing left.
2b- This is the other side of the second pointhead. This artifact shows an image of a primitive face facing the viewer. This image barely shows to the naked eye. It seems to be fading due to the artifact being buried in the ground for so many years. But the image appears on camera.
July 12, 2021
Heart-shaped scraping tool depicting faces of early humans
How long did this civilization exist here on earth? Are these people pre-Neanderthal? I believe these people shown on this artifact were here before any other early human species. I believe they didn't come from Africa, and had already been in existence.
This civilizations must have existed millions of years ago but for some reason did not survive. I believe that these are millions of years old because they come from gravel pits that have been buried for many years. It measures 1"x1 1/4". Found in Yakima County.
Pic 1- The rock is in the shape of a heart and there are two image side by side. I believe this is how people looked millions of years ago. They look happy. There are also 2 small faces on the bottom of the rock.Who made these artifacts?
Pic 2- This is how it would have been used to work leather to make leather cord.
June 23rd, 2021
Scraper artifact featuring depicting faces
This artifact measures 1.5 by 1.5 inches. I believe this artifact to be one of the oldest ever found. It was created millions and perhaps billions of years ago, by what I believe were visitors from another planet. These mysterious beings used special, highly advanced tools to create micro-images which seem to reveal themselves in mysterious ways. Sometimes an image that cannot be easily found with the naked eye can show up almost unexpectedly in a photograph.
These small, intricate works of art depict the people who existed, showing them as they were. I believe these artifacts were made as a means to keep a record of the primitive species that inhabited the area so long ago. Perhaps the creators of these sophisticated works wanted future generations to have a record of the people who existed on the planet long before. Often what you will see in these artifacts primitive faces looking upward towards the skies, gazing at the stars where these mysterious beings came from.
There is an image of a primitive man looking to the right.
There is a big image to the right with primitive features. There is another image on the top part of the rock facing upwards. The right eye of the first image forms the mouth of the top image.
If the rock is turned slightly to the right from position in image 2, you will see an image of a man facing left. You will also see two images behind it. And on the top you will also see an image facing upward.
Another big image can be found under the rock. On the right side of the big image you can see three smaller images in line, stacked on top of each other.
This is how it would have been used. It is well made and sharp. It was used for cutting and scraping.
June 14th, 2021
Ancient pointhead artifact showing various primitive faces and a mysterious ancient animal and offspring
Measuring 2'x1 1/4', this is a very old point-head, very similar to the one I just posted in the previous entry. I believe it is made by the same species of people that existed during that time. I think these artifacts, which are made from common rock, are the oldest artifacts that exist here in the US and in the world.
pic 1- This is an old point-head with a broken tip. There is an image facing the viewer.
pic 2- There are three images in this picture. There is a small image on the very top of the rock facing viewer. There is also a larger image facing the viewer in the middle of the rock. And lastly, there is a third image on the bottom of the rock also facing the viewer.
pic 3- This is the other side of the artifact.
pic 4- If you lay the rock on its side, you can see a primitive-looking animal with its offspring on the left edge of the rock. You can also see an image of a man facing right on the right edge of the rock.
May 16th, 2021
Pointhead artifact depicting various faces
This is another pointhead similar to the one I recently posted (see image #4). These types of pointheads are typically made of obsidian, cherts and quarts. It is a mystery to me why these same types of pointheads are now being found made of common rocks or stones. I wonder if the reason these pointheads were made from such common material was because the first people to settle here were unfamiliar with the materials available in this area (obsidian, etc.) and were forced to use the rocks that were readily available in their environment.
1- On this side of the artifact, there are 3 images that can be seen. First, there is a large image facing to the right. The nose of this image forms the eye of the second image, which is that of an ape facing towards the right. On the top section of the rock, There is a small image of a man facing skyward.
2-If you flip the rock and look at the other side, you will see the exact same 3 images on the first side, with all images now facing left.
3- If you look at the bottom side of the rock, you can see 2 images, one being stacked on top of the other. The mouth of the top image that is slightly facing the viewer forms the moustache of the second image.
This artifact is similar to the previous entry posted on May 3rd. I have put them side by side for comparison. I believe they were made by the same people that lived here many years ago. There are similar images of ape-like men on the bottom of both artifacts. The creators of these artifacts seem to be using the same art but with different style of pointheads. The mystery is in why they are using different styles. These artifacts were found in the Pacific Northwest, in the Yakima County.
May 3rd, 2021
Pointhead depicting Ape-like Early Humans
This artifact measures 1 3/4" x 1 1/4" I believe this rock is one of the oldest pointheads in the U.S. and likely the world. Why do I think this is the oldest? Because it is formed by using a common rock. Other primitive artifacts found in the US are made with specific types of material, such as chertz, quartz and obsidian. This particular artifact is made from a simple, common stone, which suggests that this particular group of people did not have a good understanding of the types of material available here in their surroundings. This is a well-made point head artifact with images of the people that used them. The mystery I see is the use of two different types of species depicted in the artifact. Did they co-exist? There must be a reason why they included the depictions of both species. I believe the faces on this artifact are the depictions of the artists who made them. These primitive people clearly had artistic abilities.
1a-There is a large image of a man facing to the right. The nose of the big image makes the eye of an ape-like man facing right. There is also an image of a man facing to the left.
1b-When you flip the rock over, the same image found in the first picture can be found here facing left. The mouth of the big image makes the eye of a mysterious looking face of an animal that looks similar to a monkey. On top of the monkey's eye is a small image of a man facing the viewer. Facing right, there are two images stacked on top of the other, one looking upward, and one facing to the right.
Feb 23rd, 2021
Point head artifact revealing 'self portraits'
This is a very old and mysterious artifact depicting the images of the very people who made them. Very fine workmanship is displayed on this piece. Were the makers of these autobiographical 'self portraits' Neanderthals? When did these early humans live here in the Pacific Northwest? These artifacts provide clear evidence that primitive people lived here many years ago. These artifacts are interesting because some of the images morph into others. These rocks reveal incredible workmanship for the primitive tools that were used.
One question I have is why do these images often appear looking skyward? Could it be that they are looking towards beings they have had contact with? This is an interesting occurance that exists throughout my collection.
This is a very old point-head. There is an image on the lower right of the artifact that faces the viewer. Above that image is another also facing the viewer. On the top part of the artifact, there is an image facing to the left.
On the right side of the artifact, there is an image facing the viewer. There are also various images that morph into others.
This is also a point head artifact. There is an image of a profile facing to the right and has images that also morph into other images.
There are 2 images on this side of the artifact. One is facing to the right and the other one is facing the viewer. This artifact also contains images that morph into others.
Feb 23rd, 2021
Artifact depicting early humans and various prehistoric animals
This artifact is clear evidence that the intricate images on this rock were made by intelligent people from an ancient civilization that existed millions of years ago. Whoever made all of these images on this small rock possessed a high amount of intelligence and creativity. I believe these artifacts were left for us to understand that people existed millions of years ago alongside prehistoric animals.
1a-On top of the rock is an image of a man facing right, and also another image facing left. Below the head are two larger images side by side, both facing right.
1b- On the other side of the rock, there is another image of a man facing to the left, and this image morphs into another image facing the viewer. In the middle of the rock is a large image of a man facing the viewer.
2a- There is an image of a prehistoric eagle-like bird facing to the right.
2b-On the other side of the rock, you can see the same image now facing to the left.
3a- On the other side of the rock, there is a dinosaur that faces to the right.
3b-On the other side of the rock, the same image can be seen now facing left.
4a-There is a prehistoric bear-like animal facing to the right.
4b- On the other side of rock, the same bear-like animal now facing to the left.
5- On the other side of the rock, there is an image of a prehistoric giant turtle.
Jan 18th, 2021
Knife Scraper tool with early human images from a lost civilization
This artifact is a knife-scraper to gut or to scrape. It's well-made and fits perfectly in your hand. These images are fading because they have been on the ground for thousands of years. I believe the evidence of past civilizations can be found on rocks because this evidence shows the existence of prehistoric man in the pacific northwest. I believe these artifacts is the clearest evidence that prehistoric humans existed here. In my collection have more artifacts that demonstrate that a prehistoric civilization lived here.
Above my thumb you can see the mouth of an image of a man facing the viewer. The mouth of this image forms the chin of another image also facing the viewer. The left eye of the first image forms the eye of another image that faces left and slightly upward. The whole artifact also forms an image of an elephant facing left. On the trunk of the elephant, there is an image of a small face facing the viewer.
Here is a more clear of the first image
This is how it would have been used with the right and left hand
December 24th, 2020
Two Point head artifact tools displaying various hidden images
These 2 small point heads found in Outlook WA measure 1 1/2" x 1 " and 1 3/4"x1". This artifct shows signs that work has been done with specialized tools. Who were these people that used these point heads embedded with hidden images? These artifacts look older than others found elsewhere. The ones found here in this part of the Pacific Northwest appear more simple and primitive than others I have studied from different regions, like Idaho and Texas, and even some that were found in Seattle Washington..
First artifact, side A and B
Second artifact, with images on all four sides
December 2nd, 2020
Effigy depicting more early human faces with a 'split-face' motif.
This artifact was found in the Outlook area. It measures 3x1 1/2" This artifact is very well crafted like many others I have posted. Why did they create effigies on this rock? The people that lived here used these effigies in a way unlike others. What is the reason? For luck? This kind of stone is difficult to work and shape. Why do archaeologists fail to recognize this type of art?
Pic 1. Point head. Profile image of man facing left. On the right there is half of a face of a man facing viewer. On the middle of the rock is a split face of a man looking at the viewer.
2. Other side of point head. There is an image on this side of the rock that is the same as the image on the first side. Also to the left is a small image of a man facing the viewer. And in the middle is a face of a man facing viewer. It shares the eye of the other images.
I have other artifacts that show this split face. What could that repeating motif signify?
Novembrer 19th, 2020
Artifact depicting ancient peoples, a dinosaur, and a Sasquatch-like species.
This artifact was found in Outlook, WA. It measures 1 1/4"x1". Sometimes these images morph into two different images, an optical illusion.
Did these ancient people live in this part of the country? This art was made with a sophisticated tool many years ago, by a higher power (possibly aliens?). I believe these rocks were unearthed by plows that have worked the land. I believe they are also unearthed in gravel pits and have been buried for thousands of years.
There is an image of a face on the right side of the rock facing viewer. If the mouth and chin are covered of this image, another species of human is visible. On the left side of the rock, there is another image facing the viewer.
There is an image of a sasquatch-like species.
There is an image of a dinosaur facing left. There is also a small human image facing right.
There is an image of a man facing left and another facing to the right
There is an image of a man facing left and another image facing the viewer. On the top right there is a small image facing the viewer.
There is an image facing to the right and in the middle of the artifact there is an image facing the viewer.
October 19th, 2020
Artifact depicting modern looking people.
This artifact measures 2x1 1/2. How long has this small rock been on the ground? This artifact appears very old—thousands or possibly millions of years. Who are these modern looking people depicted in this artifact? These rocks may be older than Neanderthal and early Native American periods. Could these people have been brought by aliens spread out across different lands, but for some reason did not survive for very long? The chances of finding such a small but significant artifact that depicts our history are very slim.
1- On the right half of the rock there is an image of a woman with a scarf facing right. There is another image of the same woman facing the viewer. On the bottom part of the rock, you can see two images at once. The mouth of the image of a woman forms the eyes of the second image which is of a man. The hin of the woman's face forms the nose of the image of the man.
On the left half of the rock, there are two images joined together at the top.. One is facing the viewer and morphs into another image facing left. The top image that faces the viewer, the chin forms the nose of a bigfoot face. In the image of the bigfoot face, you can see another image of a man.
2-On the other side of the top part of the rock, there are two small images facing right and facing left. On the bottom half of rock, there are two big images of ape-like people. One is facing left and the other is facing right. There is also a middle image facing the viewer.
3a, 3b- This artifact is a tool used for leatherwork on small items to cut and to puncture.
September 21, 2020
Images of indigenous people.
This small rock was found in the Outlook area. This mysterious artifact is very smooth and shiny like glass. Who made this artifact with images of modern man and how long has it been on the ground? Who left it and who are the people depicted on the rock? I believe these artifacts came from another world or were made by extraterrestrials with sophisticated tools. These images are very curious because of the high quality.
1a, 1b, 1c- There is a small image facing right. This likely represents the spirit of man.
2- There is an image of a woman's face. On the forehead area of the woman is another facing looking right and another facing left. On the lower part of the image, where her mouth would be, there is another image of a small girl.
3. Here is the image of the small girls from pic #2. There is an additional image of a indigenous man to the right. Also on the forehead area slightly to the left is another face, a male, looking toward the viewer. It seems to morph into another image, this time of a woman, facing to the right.
4. On this small rock is where all of these images are located.
September 6th, 2020
Collection of scraper tools depicting horses and modern men
These knives were found in the Outlook area in Yakima County. All artifacts resemble each other, which suggests a common community of makers and users of these tools. Why did these people use these particular tools with images of horses and modern man, as can be seen in my post from August 5th, 2020 and December 18th, 2017? What I find mysterious is that these very primitive tools contain depictions of animals and humans that did not exist at the time. Neanderthal and native american workmanship is much more refined and uses better material. This suggests this style of craftsmanship cannot be Neanderthal or native american. We need to further study the history of North America.
August 5th, 2020
Knife-scraper tool depicting various mysterious faces
This artifact is a knife-scraper found in Ourlook, WA. Measures 3" x 2 1/4". The art in this rock is so old that it is fading. It is sharp and shows good workmanship. It fits perfectly in your hand. Who are these images on this rock? How old is this artifact? Who made this artifact?
On the right side of the artifact, there are 3 images facing left, one on top of the other stacked. On the left side of the artifact, there is a big image facing to the right. If you cover the mouth and concentrate on the nose and forehead of this image, another image will appear.
Turn artifact upside down and there are two big images facing left, appearing cheek to cheek. There is a third image facing right.
This is how it would have been used as a scraper.
July 23, 2020
Artifact depicting Ancient Serpent Devouring Native American
This is artifact made of petrified wood. It is the other side of the artifact posted earlier on June 23rd of this year. They mystery of this artifact shows images of a serpent devouring a man. What is it trying to tell us?
There is an image of a native american man facing left.
Here you can see another image of a Native American, facing to the right. There is also an image facing the viewer.
If you turn the stone, you can see a serpent devouring the man
After turning the stone yet again, you can see another image of a serpent devouring a man
June 23, 2020
Artifact depicting Various images of Native Americans
This artifact is a scraper found in Ourtlook, WA. It measures 1 1/4" x 2 1/4". This image is just one side of the rock. I will show the other side on the next post. This artifact is not as old as most of my other artifacts yet this style of art is still present. This suggests that this type of art has survived and has been passed down to future generations.
There is an image of an old Native American man encompassing the whole face of the rock. On the top half of the rock, there is an image facing to the right and there is also an image facing to the left. I believe these are also Native Americans.
After turning rock upside down, there is an image of a bird with a long beak looking down. On the bottom half of the rock, there is an image facing to the left and another facing to the right. I believe these are also images of Native Americans.
After turning the artifact counterclockwise, there is an image of a serpent eating a man.
After turning the artifact again, there is yet another image of a serpent devouring a man.
This artifact is a scraper and this is how it would have been used. It is very sharp.
June 10, 2020
Artifact depicting Primitive Species
Found on my family farm in Ourtlook, WA. Measures 2"x1", these are images depict a primitive people that I believe existent millions of years ago. This ancient humanoid species possessed high intelligence and I believe they pre-date Neanderthals, and lived here in North America.
Professionals of the scientific community dismiss this type of ancient rock art as pareidolia, claiming they don't see images. But when you see images on both sides, it is clear they are mistaken.
This is a rock with images of a species of a primitive race. There is an image facing to the right and another facing to the left. It is possibly a couple. The male faces right and female faces to the left.
On the other side of the rock you can see the same images as the first side. Now the female faces the right and the male to the left. But on the female's image, you will see a third image facing the viewer.
If you look at the first position and turn the image counterclockwise, there is another image facing to the left. I believe this is the son and all the images depict a family. .
This artifact is a scraper. The photos demonstrate how the artifact would have been used as a tool.
March 20, 2020
Mystery Man
This artifact shows an image of a body of a man with the head facing the viewer. Below the face is another image. The mouth of the first image forms the right eye of the second image. What I find mysterious is why the artifacts continue to cross my path. It's as if they are somehow searching for me. I compare these artifacts to the story about the doll that came out of a well in Nampa, ID awhile back. What I find most mysterious about the case of the doll is why it didn't break when the water expelled it from the well. These cases are very strange.
Found on my farm in the lower Yakima Valley, this artifact measures two inches in height by one inch across. Who is this man depicted in the effigy? How long ago did he roam the earth? Thousands, perhaps even millions of years ago? Was this a man of great importance? Who created this artifact? Could this perhaps be a depiction of the creator of all things? This single artifact contains many strange mysteries.
March 3, 2020
Artifact depicting prehistoric animals
This artifact was found by Lisa Bird, an amateur archeologist from New York. She has graciously allowed me to share the artifact on this site.
1st position-Here we see what appears to be a big image of primitive animal facing left and looking down. facing right and looking is a horse-like animal. If you look closely at the horse's head, there appear to be two mysterious images, stacked one on top of the other.
In this second view, we see a primitive bird looking left. If you flip the artifact, you can see another image facing left.
Second view
This is a very mysterious artifact. On top is the head of a creature facing left. Below that, there is an image of a modern-looking man facing right. Below this image are two creature-like images, one facing left and one facing right.
I believe this artifact to be authentic, a very old tool (possibly a primitive scraper). It appears to have been worked by very skilled hands. I believe this artifact could be one of the oldest in North America. There are images of prehistoric creatures on it but I also see depictions of modern man. Could this man have been the creator of all things many millions, or possibly billions of years ago?
April 22, 2020
'Knife scraper' artifact depicting multiple faces of primitive humanoid species
This artifact is a knife-scraper tool. It is very clear by the markings that the artifact has had work done to it. I believe this artifact is extremely old, dating perhaps millions of years back (pre-neanderthal). The species that created them undoubtedly possessed high intelligence to create such intricate works of art. Perhaps the creators of this artifact lived even billions of years ago, right here in North America.
Here you have an image facing left and another facing right.
On the other side of the rock, the same images on the other side can be seen on this side. The images are fading due to time and erosion.
Here you will see a big image, facing viewer
This artifact is a small knife/scraper. The pictures depict 4 different ways that the rock can be used as a knife or scraper. The design of this multi-use rock shows great intelligence.
April 5, 2020
Artifact depicting family of ancient humans
Big image of a very primitive man facing viewer. Another big image facing left. This is likely its mate. On top of the rock there are two small images facing the viewer. These are likely the children.
If you turn artifact a little to the left, you will see a large image of a female facing towards the left. Along with that image, you can see some other smaller images on the left side of the rock.
Could these images on the artifact be the first inhabitants of the planet with high intelligence? Could these images be depictions of Bigfoot-like creatures that still roam the mountains today?
March 16, 2020
Artifact depicting boat, primitive men
This artifact depicts a boat with images of primitive people. How long did this different species of people live in North America? Did they cross the ocean millions of years ago? Or were there ancient civilizations with knowledge and wisdom? Why are these artifacts in North America?
I believe there was a highly intelligent civilization that existed millions of years ago, and that it consisted of multiple species of early humans.
This view depicts a boat carrying people. There is a big image facing left and a big image facing right. These same images will also be seen on the other side of the artifact. You will also see small images facing the viewer. Above my thumb, you can see an apelike human. The images are barely visible because it has been buried for millions of years.
This is the other side of the artifact pictured in #1. Its the same image as the first side.
These two pictures are of the same image as #2 but are slightly turned to the left.
Feb 10, 2020
Artifact depicting boat, modern men
Explanation: Who made these artifacts? These images show that there were different species of early humans co-existing in the landscape. This ship inspires many questions: Was this millions of years ago? Were there intelligent civilizations that existed millions of years ago during the existence of dinosaurs? Why would there be a ship on an artifact? Were people traveling by water?
I believe there was a civilization with intelligence that existed millions of years ago with different species of people.
Artifact depicts a ship. What can also be seen is a type of humanoid that is ape looking.
If you turn artifact you can see a species of man with a long nose facing left.
Artifact shows an image of a modern man facing right
Artifact shows an image of a prehistoric animal laying down and facing left. It also shows an image in the middle of a modern man looking at the viewer.
Here you can see a prehistoric animal facing slightly left and towards the viewer.